Saturday, June 28, 2014

Things I Don't Want to Forget Hope Used to Do/Say

"Lippy-loop" for spiral

"Kazoo-bo" for gazebo

"Herman crab"


"the tallest as" for "as tall as"


"The Hummer's Parade"




"Peanut" for penis

"P p and j sandwich"

"Un-raser" for eraser 

"Because it's a say-so."

"I'm gonna decoration it."

"I'm gonna make you a mail."

"Caboost" for caboose and "cousint"

"Right be-next to you" for "right next to you."

"Twick or tweet"

"Tonty" for 20

"Baginst" and "don" as in: "I'm going to stan baginst this door or "Hol don tight"

"Baby bruva"

"Quick-a-ly", "frust-a-rated", "Swippery", "part-i-ner"

"Scumpy"--this is a way food can taste, it's not good. We're pretty sure she made it up.

Animal sounds: a duck says "cock", a mouse says "skeek"

"Stum" for thumb

"Make-ed" for naked

"Oh, mant" for oh, man

"Muse-ee--eum" for museum

"No gank you" for No thank you
Also, related: "every-ging" 

"That's a good idea! ... What 'bout 'dat?"

"Snickle neat" for Despicable Me

"Happy good day" for Have a good day

"Mick-mix" for Olympics

"Basboff" for washcloth, "Bapkin" for napkin

"Um-gel-la" for umbrella

"Other one ____" for another or the other as in "I want other one cookie" or "where is other one flower?"

"Come play at me" for "with me"


"Hap-a-day" for birthday, later "Boo-day" for birthday

"Amimals" for animals

"Boon" for spoon

"I like it breakfast," "I like it sky" (She would say "I like it" and then add in whatever she liked)

"Up sky" as in, "Balloon is up sky"

Pup-pup, then ba-ba, then foo-foo for dogs

"Robok" for robot

"Mack-and-more cheese" for macaroni and cheese

Her inexplicable Boston accent: "cah"

The game she invented when she carried small wooden or plastic shapes back and forth between the truck and the house down the hall while banging them together and getting her Dada to follow.

When we walk into the dark garage in the morning, she points and says, "Eyes, eyes!"

Pointing to her nipple in the bath: "My armkiss" 

Also, her "belly butt"

Requesting 4 hugs and 4 kisses and 4 high fives before bed (and then inventing "nee-nees.") if she gets one more kiss, then she needs one more of the other three to even it out.

"I have a present for you. It's a surprise!" [Hands you some miscellaneous toy] "Do you like it?" [Takes it back]

Age 6.5 it is revealed that she thought "lacrosse" was "the cross" the whole time she was taking lessons from age 3-5 at the Kroc.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Collection of FB status updates regarding Hope/Motherhood from the past 2 years

Ok, stick with me here. In the last episode of season 3 of Yo Gabba Gabba, the characters reach the end of a treasure hunt to find a bubble-blowing robot who says, "I have many magical powers but the greatest is everlasting bubbles!" Tommy and I have a running joke to come up with what those other powers could be. I mean, what could still be considered a magical power but is LESS powerful than everlasting bubbles?!? It's a truly mind-boggling question. I'd love to hear your thoughts, FB friends. I'll post some of ours in the comments. (And yes, after 5 years of marriage and 2 years of parenthood, this is what our conversations have come to.)

Some days (well, most days, recently) Hope surprises the heck out of me. This morning it was by correctly identifying the "M" on her building blocks. I could not for the life of me figure out what she was trying to say, "Em! Em! Em!" (Duh, mom.) Then she went on to correctly point out E, L, and T. I had no idea she knew any letters at all. #hiddentalents #whatsnext#amazedmama

From Hope's room at 7:24am: "Hopey's mommy, come here!" 
Glad she was so specific, there are so many of us moms just milling around out here.
Joanna Stone She didn't want to get up, she just wanted to read me her version of "Runaway Bunny" which consists of her pointing out the Mommy Bunny and the Baby Bunny on each page. Then she says, "Read again?", answers herself with "yes" and starts all over. I sat through 8 readings this morning before I excused myself to use the facilities.

2 years ago today, we got a new roommate. She keeps the strangest hours, she borrows all of our stuff without asking, she's a messy eater, her music and TV preferences are 'juvenile' to say the least, and she contributes absolutely nothing to the rent. Nevertheless, we both agree she's the best thing that's ever happened to us. Hope, you're more gentle, caring, determined, creative, and funny than we ever could have imagined. Happy birthday, little monster.

Not pointing any fingers, but I just walked in to the living room to find one member of our family with poop on both their hands. (And Tommy is out with a friend.) Nothing can put you on the fast track to bathtime like reaching in to your own dirty diaper. #canyousaydirty#cantwaittostartpottytraining 

Awesome weekend for Hope--pool time with classmate Olivia (including the first-ever trip down the Nemo slide for Hope!) followed by cookie-snack, playground with mom's group (not pictured), fun with neighbor Grey and the 'cah', grilling out with mommy and daddy and painting in the tub! 

Things you apparently have to learn for yourself: Giving your hangry toddler the cornbread from your meal to 'tide her over' in the car on the way home is not as smart as it sounds. #mostcrumblyfoodever#ourcarseatcouldfeedmillions

Me:"Do you want help or you got it?"
Hope: "Got it."

Tried to stop by daycare with Hope to drop off our payment for the next 2 weeks. As soon as we opened the main door, she started exclaiming "YAY! YAY!" Then we popped in her classroom to say hi, and she took one look around, unzipped her coat, dropped it on the floor and ran over to play. Apparently 2 days off was enough for her. So much for Fridays with Hope! #icantellwhenimnotwanted #toddlerfreeerrands #theygrowupsofast

Hope exclaims, upon seeing Cookie Monster on her diaper, "blue Elmo!" Lol.

I could hear the little clicks of Hope sticking and unsticking her duplos in the crib this morning. She hasn't let go of them yet this morning. When she's into something, she's REALLY in to it.

We have done all the things. ALL THE THINGS.#snowdaysareverydifferentasamom

Best night in weeks!! No crying at all, Hope waited for my alarm this morning to stir. #notazombieatwork

We watched The Magic Schoolbus for the first time this morning, and when Ms. Frizzle appeared for the first time, Hope pointed and exclaimed "Mama!"

Sang "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" so long on the way to daycare this morning that I ran out of animals--I started with the old standbys: horse, sheep, cow, goat, chicken, goose, duck, cat, dog, moved into more exotic creatures: lions, pigeons, owls, crows, snakes, lobsters, added in a few that a farmer would be surprised to find: babies, dinosaurs, and then just had to go back and start it all over again. What I will do to keep a toddler from crying. #joysofmotherhood

Another day off school is too much for Hope. She took matters into her own hands this morning and set up our coffee table as if it was the one at daycare. (Her teacher always has it spread out each morning with at least three books and a few baby dolls.)

Don't have photo evidence, but Dwight Stone will verify that Hope is wearing her jersey in preparation for the game tonight. (Had to wake her back up to put it over her jammies, clearly we have our priorities right as parents.) 

I wasn't sure if decorating the tree would be fun or impossible with Hope... She's very proud of her knowledge about the purpose of "balls", which she demonstrated by throwing the first 2 ornaments on the floor. Thankfully, they bounced. Once the Mardi Gras beads came out, however, she was totally oblivious to our activity. 

Hopesgiving! Little monster slept though the whole meal!

New mom learnings #376: your daughter may be mobbed by toddlers if you send her to daycare in squeaking shoes.

Just took my daughter's measurements. Her head circumference matches her belly circumference. Not sure if that's odd or not, but it struck me as surprising.

The priceless moment of peace between the time you shut the back door of the car and before you open the driver's door when you've just put a screaming child in the carseat. #itsthelittlethings #motherhoodrocks

My baby girl just pointed to her binky, picked up her lovey Elsie, and walked herself to her room for an afternoon nap. Does it get any better than this?

You know you're a mom when: you don't even think twice about reaching in for the piece of poop barehanded to prevent it from breaking up into tiny pieces in the tub. #joysofparenthood #amazingmyselfdaily

What is the possible evolutionary advantage of a toddler having so much energy between midnight and 5 AM?

Hope update: she's feeling MUCH better today and catching up on much-needed sleep. The Magic Mouthwash prescription from the pediatrician made all the difference--if you're battling Hand, Foot, and Mouth, definitely ask about it. The sores are still healing and she'll probably need another day at home, but she was smiling when I came home from work. What a relief! Thanks, everyone, for the kind words and good thoughts.

Worst night since last Christmas with the first teeth. She literally screamed every 15-30 minutes, intense pain or frustration or both. We cried together as fatigue set in. Hoping the sun brings some relief for my little monster.

Thanks to all who expressed concern for Hope, we made it through with no seizures, but she was diagnosed with Hand, Foot and Mouth today. On top of that she's cutting her canines. So, needless to say she's just miserable, and we'd all appreciate your thoughts this week.

Those long naps are making more sense now--little monster has a fever tonight.  Hoping to make it through this one without a seizure and that whatever is causing it goes away quickly.

Long naps are awesome, but also a bit freaky. We're currently at 2 hr 45 min and I have to resist the urge to check on her for fear of disturbing clearly-needed slumber.

Wish I could do something to help my baby sleep. She's waking every 45 min or so, oftentimes crying loudly, and I've treated every possible culprit I can think of. All I can imagine is big stuff going on in her growing brain. Poor tired Hope.

From Hope's Daily Report today: "Hope had a great day exploring outdoors and showing me what she had found. She was also especially happy at music time singing 'Look Who Came to School Today.' Her little eyes just light up and bless all of us." Couldn't have said it better myself. [Also, in other news, she's moving up to the "Young Toddler" classroom with 3 of her best friends on Monday. So big!] 

Once again, I find myself telling my daughter that 5am is too early to wake up, to no avail. Trying to enjoy the little moments, even if they occur while I'm squinting with fatigue.

Took the afternoon off to be with my baby girl--we enjoyed the air conditioning at Target, and now she's napping while I watch the West Wing. Life is good today.

Waking up to my chubby-legged, bright-eyed toddler cooing, then sitting with her for some real Facetime on the porch with ocean sounds in the background makes for a promising start to the last day of vacation.

Hope was quiet for too long this morning, so I snuck in to see what she was doing. Reading! Of course! My little bookworm. 

We have a molar. No walking yet, but plenty of teeth! 

Hope had a febrile seizure this evening. Scariest time of our lives by about a million degrees, but all is well now. Grateful for helpful neighbors, efficient EMTs, great nurses at Chop, modern medicine, and empathetic grandparents. But mostly grateful our little one is safe. 

Positive development: this morning, as soon as I set Hope down at daycare, she turned around and waved "goodbye." #notears

By the time I realized the baby gate heading upstairs wasn't in place this morning, Hope had made it almost to the first landing. Watch out, world, this girl is goin' places!

I thought we were done with separation anxiety, but Hope just threw herself at my feet and wailed as I got ready to leave. #thisstagecanendatanytime

Can't adequately describe the simple pleasure of going into the nursery after hearing the first few Hope sounds of the morning to find my daughter laughing and smiling and stretching and ready to conquer the day. When do we lose that fierce optimism that today has so much goodness in store for us? (Don't answer that question, I've got some pretty good ideas about what squishes our Hope. Just try to recapture some of yours today.)

For the first time in almost 2 weeks, Hope didn't cry when I dropped her off at daycare. Yay for growing out of phases! 11 months yesterday.

So lucky to have Fridays to spend with Hope. Morning nap, puzzles, swimming and now afternoon naps. Doesn't get much better than this.

Near perfect day: Got to sleep in, took Hope to the pool for a swim with some new friends, then simultaneous afternoon naps, and soon to enjoy happy hour with some old friends in the comfort of our own home.

You know at the start of a Law and Order episode when the maid comes in the room, starts cleaning up, and then says, "Mister John?", walks a bit farther into the room and says, in a higher pitched voice, "Mister John?" and you think, "Dude, you're about to find a dead body." But she hasn't realized it yet. It's kind of the same when you touch your baby and some part of her clothing is wet--maybe on her calf or over her shoulder--so you touch her somewhere else, and it's REALLY WET. And the person watching your life is thinking, "Dude, you're about to find some feces."

How do you get a stubborn sick baby to take her afternoon nap? How about a stroller ride around the zoo? #motherhood win

Waking up to your nine-month daughter saying buh-bye while waving her hand: Priceless. Waking up 20 other times during the night because of 9- month sleep regression: Not so priceless.

9 months old today and first trip to the pool. She's a natural!

Warning: Babies who wake me up 45 minutes before my alarm and refuse to go back to sleep are in danger of being returned.

Thinking about attaching a bell to Hope so I know where she is at all times. Yes, like a cat or a cow.

In the dream my daughter just woke me from, there was a stack of extra large paper that was shaped like and molded to the form of Channing tatum's torso in a filing cabinet at my job, for writing on. just let that sink in, all you who are considering parenthood. #neverenoughsleep

After making the sign for milk every time I feed Hope for the last four months, I was nevertheless completely perplexed this morning as she stared me in the eyes and kept opening and closing her hand. "Duh, mom, I'm thirsty!"

We have tooth!

Our little monster appears to have her appetite back, so she must be on the mend. #gratefulmommy

Sleeping would be a lot easier for my little monster if she could consistently breathe through her nose. #longnightahead #breatherightstripsforinfants

When you get home from a long day at work after picking up your baby from daycare and she falls asleep in your lap. Everything else can wait. #mommybliss

Yeah, my daughter made that. And yeah, it's on my fridge. (She also had to be removed from the class during nap time today because she wouldn't stop talking to the boy in the next crib.) —

Apparently, Hope had a great first day at daycare.

Not only did Hope work her way out of the swaddle last night, she got her arm completely out of her shirt. Nothing can restrain this little monster!! Girl power!

Truly does not mind waking up to feed the little one. When she won't go back to sleep for over two hours, that's when I get a bit frustrated. #whoneedssleep

At 4.5 months, Hope's 13.4 lbs and 2 feet long. For those who are into such things.

Guess Hope was tired. 14 straight hours asleep.

All of a sudden, it's like someone told Hope that other babies get to eat every 3 hours, even at night! I'm a zombie this week. So much admiration for parents that deal with multiple night feedings from birth. And thank goodness for pumpkin coffee.

So tonight after a feeding, Hope spit up directly between my boobs, right down the front of my nursing bra. As her parents chuckled at her accuracy, she laughed for the first time ever. Man, was she proud of herself. A family laughing party quickly ensued. 

You know that feeling when you wake up from your nap and you're so covered in poop you have to take your second bath of the day? Hope does.

Hope's new thing is flipping from her front to her back when you lay her down. Only problem is--she hates Tummy Time, so she ends up crying.

I thought waking up yesterday was bad. Last night baby girl woke up at 3 and 4:30 and literally just went back down before that stupid alarm. Good thing she's so cute.

I think one of the triggers of postpartum depression must be postpartum clothes shopping.

"What did you doing Friday night?" "Oh nothing, I just went to the grocery store without my baby. It was awesome." #motherhoodrocks

It's the simple things. Like being able to cut my own toenails again.

My to-do lists are now divided into 1- and 2-handed tasks. #motherhoodrocks

The 1am pumping session: when your kid sleeps through the night but your boobs don't. #motherhoodrocks

Despite the sounds she made a few minutes ago, Hope did not in fact die a painful death at the hands of the nurse who gave her a few vaccine shots.

Has to go into work three days this week for training, and Hope gave me a 9.5 hour stretch of sleep last night. #lovethislittleone

That moment when you realize your baby's spitting up because you feel it on your foot. #motherhoodrocks

Just hopes that someday I get to enjoy a hot coffee and a warm meal again. #motherhoodrocks

Guess who slept from 8:30 to 5? She woke up just in time for mama to enjoy this rainstorm! Love you, little lady.

For those who were concerned about our little one: Blood work ruled out scary, serious things. Symptoms have improved this morning. Doctor says to continue with dairy elimination for another few weeks to see if we have complete improvement. If not, we'll move on to other potential culprits. Turns out that 6 week old tummies are hard to figure out. Patient is sleeping soundly.

Okay how annoying is this: simultaneously with me giving up dairy so that she no longer cries due to gas pains, my beautiful daughter decides that it is completely unacceptable to be tired at all. Sleeping is okay and being awake is okay but being tired is grounds for fire siren cries.

Day 3 week 1 couch to 5k. Success. Day 4 of no dairy. Success? Might be too early to tell, but we seem to have eliminated the painful farting completely. Of course, babies can always find something to cry about, but we've made it much harder for Hope.

Date two of couch to 5K and day one of no dairy. Here's to baby Hope having less gas!

Hopes that someday our daughter can fart without grimacing or crying. she'll never be able to silently sneak one at this rate!

Seriously feels like she deserves a medal after grocery shopping with a one-month-old strapped to her chest. And Hope slept the whole time. How in the world do people manage when their babies don't sleep 20 hours a day?!?

Disclaimer: if anyone's tired of seeing photos and videos of my baby, first of all I can't understand how that could be possible, and second of all you might as well hide me now because I'm home all summer with nothing to do but capture her on film.

Good thing I didn't have anything planned today. Because my daughter doesn't want to do anything but eat.

Side angle pose feels great this morning! Seven hours 45 minutes of sleep last night then she let me do yoga and didn't cry until the lady on the video said "namaste." #Perfect baby

Six hours, baby. Six hours. My daughter is a rockstar.

Why do I have to be awake for breast-feeding? Don't baby bears just take care of that while their mother hibernates?

What a great birthday present from my daughter: she only woke up 4 times last night to feed! Thanks, Hope.

Famous people born on June 1st: Marilyn Monroe, Andy Griffith and now Hope Elizabeth Barker. 7 lbs 10 ounces. Mom and baby are healthy and resting at the hospital. Better pics to come.