Friday, March 18, 2016

Just a normal morning with H

H: mommy! I had a bad dream!
M: do you want to tell me about it?
H: people were licking me.

She had a tantrum screaming: I want to sleep with my shoes!

H: what song is coming up next?
M: I'm not sure, I don't know the future. 
H: what's the future?
M: things that are going to happen.
H: does the future have pizza?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


H: "Ms Loray said her mommy isn't here anymore. She went away. Why do mommies go away?"
M: "Everybody goes away at some time. But your mommy isn't going anywhere for a very, very, very long time."
H: <Sniff>
M: "You're going to be very, very, very old by the time mommy goes away, don't worry."
H: "When you go away, can I go away with you?"


"Is a not really nice place"
Where "none of your friends can go"
And "you have to stay a long time"
And when you get out, "all of your toys are gone"

She's basically got it.