Sunday, November 25, 2018


Tonight H asked me, point-blank: "Is Santa real?" And I totally dodged by asking, "what do YOU think?"
She said, "well, they said in that movie that the parents just eat the cookies, but that would be so mean."
"Yeah," I said, "mommy and daddy aren't THAT mean, are we?"
"No, if you were doing that, you'd probably be just going to work and shooting everybody there."
So, though logic and reasoning, her parents aren't shooting up their workplaces, ergo Santa is real.
#howmuchlonger #iwanthertobelieve #butseriouslythisisridiculous

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Career goals

H: "I want to be a teacher when I grow up because Mrs. R got a bunch of presents on her birthday, and I don't know another job where you get presents on your birthday. I mean doctors might not even see a sick person on their birthday."