Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Let me just brag on my daughter a bit

So tonight, T went out with a friend for dinner leaving just me and the kids for our after school routine. Here are just a few of the ways H amazed me:

1. She played by herself while I got dinner ready, occupying E when he got fussy before I could even ask.

2. At dinner she turned to me and said, "How was your day?" Then listened to my answer.

3. She ate all of her broccoli without a word from me.

4. She cleared the table, including picking up the pasta she dropped, while I went to give E a bath.

5. She didn't complain when E's evening fussiness kept me from doing all the fun things we had planned in the car on the way home; she just played with her Duplos by herself until I could play with her.

6. She drew this with a trackpad: 
[She said it was "a fruit that didn't taste good." Don't ask me what that means.]

7. She had the patience and perseverance and small motor skills to type the whole alphabet, hunt and peck-style. [I had to sing the song for her to know what came next.]

8. She chose a map of King of Prussia mall for her bedtime story and spent 20 minutes learning about legends and how to read a map. 

Don't get me wrong, there were lots of un-bloggable moments tonight too. But, wow. We must be doing something right.

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