Sunday, December 21, 2014

Hope vs Santa, Round 3

Santa came to the Brewerytown Square holiday party, and Hope was excited to wave to him. When I asked if she wanted to sit on his lap, the answer was a resounding, "no." Then she noticed other kids were getting books after their turn, and she announced, "I want a book." When I explained that she would have to sit on the big man's lap to get one, she was silent. A few kids later, she announced, "Monkey wants to do it." I interpreted this to mean that she was starting to reconsider and was expressing her tiny bit of courage by projecting it on to her friend. When it was her turn, she stood up and threw monkey toward Santa like a sacrificial lamb, hoping that she could take his book when he was done. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014


On the way home from school this evening:
H: I want cheese and crackers.
J: Ok, when we get home, you can have some.
[5 min later]
H: I want yogurt.
J: I thought you wanted cheese and crackers.
H: I want cheese and crackers and yogurt.
J: Oh, so you want both?
H: No, I want three.


#alittleknowledgeisascarything #wetalkaboutyogurtalot

Saturday, December 13, 2014

All Kids Deserve This

I hate to get all gushy, but there's nothing more touching than hearing your toddler reflect your own words to her stuffed animals and dolls: "I love you", "Sleep well", "You my sunshine." What goes in comes out, and I'm so glad that my little one is surrounded by love and tenderness. #allkidsdeservethis #maywenevertakeherforgranted

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Straight-up brag

Today on the way up the stairs, Hope counted to 29. Twenty-nine! (Then she continued on to thirty-ten, thirty-eleven, and thirty-twelve, but we'll just focus on the first part). #straightupbrag #somethinggoodisgoingonatthatschool

Counting wins

Today on the way up the stairs, Hope counted to 29. (Then she continued on to thirty-ten, thirty-eleven, and thirty-twelve, but we'll just focus on the first part). 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Not quite ready for potty training

From the back seat on the way to school this morning: "I peeing!"
Me: "That's great, Hope! If you tell mommy and daddy when we're at home, we can help you get to the potty."
From the back seat: "No, I pee in my diaper."
#pottytrainingwoes #whenevershesready #imgoingtobechangingdiaperswhenshes12