Saturday, July 30, 2016

4 year check up

DR: Does she know some colors?
M: She's known all the colors for multiple years.
DR: Has she started to recognize some letters?
M: She knows all the letters, big and small, and the sounds they make.
DR: Can she draw a face with eyes on it?
M: She can write her name on her own and copy any word you write.
DR: Well ok then.

I love you more

H: I love you, mommy.
M: I love you more.
H: I love you 100-amount.
M: I love you 1000-amount.
H: What comes after 1000?

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Silly mommy

H: look at those butterflies!
M: I'm pretty sure those are birds, or maybe bats.
H: pfft. Mommy, bats aren't real! They're monsters that eat people. [rolls eyes]

Friday, July 15, 2016

That time H taught herself to count to 100

And then chose that as her station at school. Just sitting by herself and counting to 100. Reportedly her friends just watched, shaking heir heads.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

On the playground, H opened a food stand

M: "Do you have ketchup for my French fries?"
H: "We absolutely do not."

On vacation H opened a toy store in our bedroom

She had a nice display of used toys. She only charged GamGam and Dibby a few quarters for a ball or a stuffed alligator. Then she'd come out and say, "It's time to be done with that" and take it back and add it to her inventory. I think she scammed them out of at least $1.50 worth of quarters.