Friday, January 13, 2012

Dude Looks Like a Lady!

So we had our second ultrasound this week. And finally the answer to the question we've been wondering for months. Turns out those 3 parallel lines the tech kept pointing our weren't some weird deformation on our baby but actually her LADY PARTS! 

Lots of friends had guessed what we were having, one even had a dream about it, but it took a long time for this new information to really sink in. I had to keep repeating it throughout the evening. "We're having a girl. We're going to have a daughter. The Dude is a girl." You get the idea. It just wasn't clicking.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against girls. It's just that I have so much more experience with boys. Five years teaching in an all-boys school and I like to think I learned a few things. Plus I just feel like there's so much less to worry about with boys, so much more to protect girls from. Maybe it's that growing up as a girl I know firsthand how hard it is to become a woman that you can be proud of. There are just so many... pressures. Quite frankly, when you think about them all, it's terrifying.

Add to that the fact that Tommy's just waiting to spoil her rotten. I've gotten a small glimpse of what this might look like given his special treatment of our rescue kitty Brie, and I just have a feeling I'm going to have to be the heavy.

But a few deep breaths and a few days later, I'm ready to accept the challenge. I'm reading up on raising girls right and interviewing all the parents of girls I know for tips and wisdom. I'm reflecting on all the AWESOME parts about being female, imagining all the special ways she might add to our family and even dreaming about how she might change the world. And I'm announcing happily to friends and family that The Dude is undergoing a name change to reflect her new reality. For the next 4.5 months, we're going to refer to the little one as Boo.

(Don't worry, we'll have a more permanent moniker ready by June. The website's going to keep its name, however. And she will most definitely wear the Dude shirt she was gifted for Christmas!)

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